Jumat, 20 Mei 2011

vitamin c is "versatile"

Vitamin C has been better known as the nutrients essential to boost immunity. In fact, these vitamins have many benefits that have not been revealed.

The following are the functions of vitamin C was associated with fault conditions in the body:

- Stress

Meta-analysis studies indicate vitamin C is useful for people who are low immune system due to stress.

"Vitamin C is a nutrient that is sensitive to stress and lower levels in alcoholics, smokers, and obese people. Therefore, the adequacy of vitamin C in the body could be a marker of general health," said Mark Moyad, researchers from the University of Michigan.

- Influenza

When the flu season is arriving, vitamin C is not good medicine. However, some research indicates vitamin C help prevent complications from flu, such as pneumonia or lung infection.

- Stroke

Despite being kept under review, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found people whose bodies have a high vitamin C levels 42 percent lower risk of stroke than those who are deficient in vitamin C.

- The beauty of skin

Not without reason if recently more skin care products that use Vitamin C as the main content of its products. Vitamin C does not only affect the cells in the body, but also outside the body.

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition tested the link between aging and vitamin C intake in 4025 women aged 40-74 years. They found that women whose levels of vitamin C is high has a rare skin wrinkles, chewy, and moist.

sumber: kompas.com

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